Welcome to Yuyu Ae-Cha's Blog. My Life, My Style.

Isnin, 30 Januari 2012

Hysteria !

Hai Semua ! welcome back for yuyuni story again, well, hari niy budak-2 sesi petang kena balik awal hari niy.. emmm rupa nye kt sekolah aku kene histeria ! eeee, takut budak-2 perempuan ! Histeria come back to my school !! i don't know lah kenape.. patutlah hari niy byk budak-2 asrama tk dtg, sbb mlm tuh diorng dh kene ! err scary ohh.. dan hari niy pula pelajar biasa pun kene.. 11 org kene histeria hari ni.. -kawan aku ckp laa.. so bila dh kene balik awal secara mngejut, so public phone pun penuh ! berbaris punya panjang ! aku pergi sana, ramai org, pergi sini pun ramai org.. luar sekolah pun ramai.. haishh, aku hari niy dh la tak beberape sihat ! jadi we nekad nk pinjam hp sape-2 yg ade, nasib baik ade kakak indon niy kasi pinjam.. indon pun indon lahh.. dah emengncy , nk buat mcm mane ! niy semua helping dari Syaza dan Effatul ! thank's friend sbb tlg aku ! aku tk tahu nk bls mcm mane lagi... :)

Ahad, 29 Januari 2012

I got Cough :'(

Well guest ! hari niy my family kene virus batuk.. hahah Ni sume Berjangkit dripada adik aku tuh ! suka sgt batuk tak tutup mulut ? tht's why cepat lah dpt virus cough nihh ! termasuklah aku niy ! haiyya, pengotor sehh.. dan akhirnye aku jgk yg dpt.. God peritnye dpt batuk niy, sbb aku da lma tak merasa batuk niy, and see, Kau dah dpt.. padan muka :P :'(.. 

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Cupcakes Day !

Hi, Sabtu niy anda sekalian pergi mana jer ? hangout ? shopping ? dating ? or more ??  huhh tak kisah lah hari niy you all nak buat ape.. tanak amik tahu pun =,=.. so kalau aku, korang kene amik tahu ape aku buat hari niy ! haahah, kerana dpaksa utk stay kt rumah selama satu hari satu malam, hahahh so aku ngn my sis pun bt rancangan , ehh whats, jgn think yg bad yaww... that's mean bkn rancangan buruk, cuma hari niy kteorgn nk buat Cupcakes Charity ? hahaha tkde lah.. aku buat cupcakes for suka suki ! and we start with ingredients ! 

After finish , we baked at oven, and see dia menaik ! so cute Aww  :D

After baked, we start decorating :).. time niy lah yg aku tunggu-2 ohh !

The End - we eating the cupcakes with family.. it's so much beautiful time ! we laugh, we comments ! its very happy.. truly, buat cupcakes niy senang jer kalau ade org bantu sebelah and kalau mmg minat.. hehe, next time aku nk buat lagi lah... :D

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012


hai everybody ! everything as going good ? how about your school , i hope your school have nice.. damn. i'm very like all teacher and all subjc on this years.. everything was going happiness. i'm enjoying the teacher for this years.. i'm very very like it ! so i have goodness for study.. and i'm have a little bit chance of myself, like every night i'm study, and i like speaking in mirror.. so today, i'm writing at blog in english. so if one of you have good speak than me, just laugh because my speaking its soo bad, but i'm try :D okie dokie, sorry, i just talk non stop , so today i want story about pieces of my mind, about Maths, last years, i'm very very very hate Maths like i'm hate my enemy, yaa, but today, i chance, i'm very very like Maths.. i don't know why. ohh may be teacher this years is better than last years.. i very weird about that.. but today, i can't stop to study all about maths.. urghh nice job yuyuni..

Sabtu, 7 Januari 2012

Not All News :)

Hai kawan-kawan :D. lama kan aku tak update blogs.. sorry beberape hari yg lepas aku sibuk psl permulaan sekolah, jadi takde masa nak update blog.. jadi kawan kwan, mcm mana permulaan sekolah ? happy ? enjoy ? sedih ? ceria ? mcm lahhh... tapi bagi aku happy jer tahun niy.. dapat teacher yg spotting spotting sume nyer.. syukur lahh. cerita pasal permulaan sekolah niy kan jln semua sibuk kan, utk menghantar anak-2 mereka ke sekolah.. so tahun niy aku tak naik van, aku naik kereta.. so boleh dtg lambat sikit kan :) emm.. tahun niy aku celebrate tanpa bf, tanpa wish... dah lahh tak sempat pegi i city times nak celebrate 2012.. geram siot tahun niyyy.... tapi takpe. next year lagi better than this year..
